Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hey all, just looking for a little pat on the back. I exercised Saturday (shape magazine's bootcamp workout video), did yoga monday (easy podcast), yoga wednesday (easy podcast again), and bootcamp workout video again today. Everyday I go to work I walk about 2 miles too (maybe more if you count the walking I do at work)!!

Now I just need to work on controlling my calorie intake. I know i'm eating more than 2000 every day- I need to break my habits of constant snacking. It's crazy how many calories there are even in a bowl of cereal!

Anyway, it's a slow start, but it's a start. That's all for now. How's everyone else doing???


1 comment:

  1. Amazing job!!!

    Go team!!!

    I am alternating exercise in my fitness room at my apartment complex (tred mill, weights, eliptical, bike) and the same boot camp dvd. I missed a day this week, but my goal is 6/7. We'll see what happens.

    Keep up the good work!!
